"Repairing is interesting and useful for everyone. I think it's cool here. I had a sense of achievement on the very first day… I fixed a toaster in ten minutes.”
(9th grader)
New: Spanish version
Thanks to the initiative of Iratxe Acha (Bilbao, Spain), our handbook "Fixing for Future" is now also available in Spanish. In this way, the idea of giving young people experience with repairs can also spread in the Spanish-speaking world!
New: English version!
Our manual "Reparieren macht Schule" is now available in English under this title:

About us
The Student Repair Shop at the Munich Rudolf Steiner School Schwabing
The Munich Rudolf Steiner School Schwabing has been home to the world's first student repair shop since April of 2016. It was founded by mathematics and physics teacher Walter Kraus, who is himself a passionate tinkerer and environmentalist. The Shop has twelve repair workstations, and customers can have their broken treasures repaired by students free of charge. Not only does this benefit customers and conserve natural resources, it also offers a variety of educational opportunities. The idea for the Student Repair Shop was inspired by the repair café movement, but the Student Repair Shop has developed its own educational approach >> Concept
We hope to inspire as many schools and other institutions as possible to set up their own repair shops for young people and to network with others. We have put together a wealth of experience and guidance on how to do this in a Hyperlink >>Handbook
What people are saying about us
In March of 2022, Steffi Lemke, Germany’s Federal Minister for the Environment, Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, wrote:
„Die Nachricht, dass die Rudolf-Steiner-Schule München-Schwabing seit einigen Jahren eine eigene und in dieser Form einzigartige Schüler-Reparaturwerkstatt auf die Beine stellt, hat mich sehr gefreut.
Was in Ihrer Schüler-Reparaturwerkstatt bereits „im Kleinen“ umgesetzt wird, habe ich mir für meine Zeit als Ministerin auch als gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe vorgenommen. Mit dem Recht auf Reparatur zum Beispiel werden wir einen wichtigen Schritt aus der Wegwerfgesellschaft gehen (…) Abschließend möchte ich insbesondere den engagierten Schülerinnen und Schülern danken, sowie allen mitwirkenden Kräften, die dieses wichtige und beeindruckende Projekt ermöglichen!“